Ryan placed his wedding band in a beach bag for safekeeping while on the beach in Avalon, NJ. When he went to look for it, he found a hole in the bag instead. He reached out to me the day after it was lost and I met him in the area to start the search. After a quick grid search of the sand with the metal detector, it was found!
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Ryan placed his wedding band in a beach bag for safekeeping while on the beach in Avalon, NJ. When he went to look for it, he found a hole in the bag instead. He reached out to me the day after it was lost and I met him in the area to start the search. After a quick grid search of the sand with the metal detector, it was found!
Ring Finder on Facebook finds lost rings in the sand with metal detector
Everyone’s jewelry has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… The Ring Finders service will help bring their story to life again and continue that story by finding what people thought was lost forever. Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!
Ring Finder Philadelphia search all of the South Jersey beaches including Ocean City, NJ Avalon, NJ Stone Harbor, NJ Sea Isle City, NJ North Wildwood, NJ Wildwood, NJ Wildwood Crest, NJ, Brigantine, NJ Ventnor, NJ Margate, NJ Atlantic City, NJ & Strathmere, NJ, Cape May, NJ, Philadelphia PA, Delaware, Chester County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, Bucks County & Northeastern Maryland