Longport, NJ: Laine and Mitch were enjoying a day at the beach when Mitch’s ring went missing. Laine, wearing Mitch’s wedding band, accidentally flung her hand and the ring flew off, disappearing into the sand. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to find it.That’s when Laine reached out to me for help. I arrived shortly after, asked a few questions, and turned on my metal detector. With just one swing, the ring was back where it belonged! The happy couple was reunited with the lost treasure in Longport, NJ.
Laine wrote in a 5 Star Review::
After losing my husbands ring in the dry sand in Longport, and searching for over an hour, I called Ring Finder to see if they could save the day. As soon as I called, John was here in under 20 minutes and found the ring we were searching for it and he found it in 15 seconds. He said it took longer to turn the machine on than it did to find the ring itself. Thank you ring finder!!!!!!
How to find a lost ring on the beach!
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Search TypesI am able to search beaches and shallow water or any place you lost your ring, jewelry, even your car keys!Search LocationsAll Southern New Jersey Beaches including Avalon NJ, Brigantine NJ, Margate NJ, Ventnor NJ, Longport, Ocean City NJ, Strathmere NJ, Sea Isle City NJ, Stone Harbor NJ, North Wildwood NJ, Wildwood NJ, Wildwood Crest NJ, Cape May NJ, Delaware, Southeastern PA, Northeastern Maryland, Chester County PA, Delaware County PA, Montgomery County PA, Bucks County PA Philadelphia PA, South Jersey.