I was tagged in a Facebook post on Friday evening. About a class ring that was lost in the ocean in Sea Isle City, NJ. Alisa called me and explained how her daughter Rachel lost her class ring while surfing on Friday. The initial attempt on Saturday morning was limited due to high tide. So we met again later in the afternoon to go out farther. After a through grid search from the water’s edge to chest deep wate. The Sacred Heart Academy class ring was found and returned!

Professional Lost Ring, Jewelry Recovery & Metal Detecting Service, Find Rings, Class Rings, Engagement and Wedding Rings, Serving Southeastern PA, Delaware & New Jersey Beaches
Your lost ring has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!
I search all of the South Jersey beaches including Ocean City, NJ Avalon, NJ Stone Harbor, NJ Sea Isle City Lost, NJ North Wildwood, NJ Wildwood, NJ Wildwood Crest, NJ, Brigantine, NJ Ventnor, NJ Margate, NJ Atlantic City, NJ & Strathmere, NJ, Cape May, NJ, Philadelphia PA, Delaware, Chester County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, Bucks County & Northeastern Maryland