I received a call from Teri about her father’s World War II ring that was lost in Stone Harbor, NJ on Saturday. Her father, who was very fond of the sea, was a Merchant Marine in World War II and his ring is very sentimental to the family. Her son, Patch, has been wearing the ring for the past few years. To keep the ring safe while on the beach, he placed it in the cup holder of a beach chair. Unknowingly, his cousin put on the backpack chair and went to the water to clean off some sand before leaving. Patch realized the ring had fallen out, and he and his family searched the area. They resigned to the thought that it was probably lost forever since it may have been dropped in the ocean.
I met up with Teri and did an extensive search of the area where it might have fallen out. I had to return a second time to be able to go out farther in the water. It was in waist-deep water that I finally got the signal. It was a great feeling when the ring showed up in the scoop and was able to be returned to the family.

Check out my website for more stories and info..
How to find a lost ring in the sand Stone Harbor NJ.
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