Malynna and her friends stopped at The Point in Sommers Point, NJ while in town from LA. While at the beach bar, she felt her engagement ring slip off her finger and drop in the sand. She and her friends searched the area but couldn’t find it, so they called me to help. Time was of the essence because they were heading home to LA the next day.
The Search for the lost engagement ring in Sommers Point, NJ….
I met Malynna and her friends at the bar and came up with the plan. The search started by removing all the trash signals from the sand. I did this while trying to listen for the tone over the loud music. After I did an initial search, I went over the area again with the metal detector and was able to get the signal I was looking for. It was a relief felt by all to find the lost engagement ring. They were now able to return home to Los Angeles the next day on a happy note!

How to find a lost ring in the sand!
Read about the Ring Finder South Jersey on Facebook here.
Professional Lost Ring, Jewelry Recovery & Metal Detecting Service, Find Rings, Class Rings, Engagement and Wedding Rings, Serving Southeastern PA, Delaware & New Jersey Beaches
Your lost wedding band has a story attached to it and that story ends when its lost in the sand or ocean… Rings, wedding bands, diamond engagement rings, diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, watches, gold pendants… People who have given up the search now have a second chance!
I search all of the South Jersey beaches including Ocean City, NJ Avalon, NJ Stone Harbor, NJ Sea Isle City, NJ North Wildwood, NJ Wildwood, NJ Wildwood Crest, NJ, Brigantine, NJ Ventnor, NJ Margate, NJ Atlantic City, NJ & Strathmere, NJ, Cape May, NJ, Philadelphia PA, Delaware, Chester County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, Bucks County & Northeastern Maryland