Find a lost Ring!
Shore Local News
By James FitzPatrick
Contributing Writer
Your heart is pounding. Your beautiful day on the beach is turning into a nightmare as you realize that your wedding ring is gone.
You try to retrace your steps but it feels hopeless. Much of your path was in the surf and the tide is coming in. You’ve lost the irreplaceable.
Do you search up and down the beach? Maybe you can call your friends to help search, except you’re down the shore on vacation and they’re back at home.
You could run out and buy a metal detector except the nearest web hit for “metal detectors near me” is Dick’s Sporting Goods in Mays Landing. If you dropped $150 for a cheap one, do you really know how to use it?
You’re feeling panicked.
Thankfully there is help for people who find themselves in a missing jewelry crisis. It’s called Ring Finders South Jersey.
Founded by John Favano, the expert detectorist and recovery specialist says has more than 200 successful recoveries and counting since he began using his hobby to help people a decade ago.
“You lost it, I will find it,” Favano states on “Almost 10 years ago I decided to make metal detecting one of my hobbies. Then I started doing recoveries to help people.
“I started doing this because people often approached me for help finding things while I was out metal detecting on the beaches,” he told Shore Local. “It felt great helping them get their lost and sentimental items back.”
He said seeing the smiles on people’s faces when they are reunited with something they feared had been lost forever brings him joy.
Follow these steps to find a lost ring!
We can find a lost ring!
See frequently asked questions below.I lost my ring! What should I do?
- Remember the location/general area where the ring or item was lost. Take pictures of the area where it was lost.
- Don’t post on social media! Don’t broadcast the location of the missing item. This reduces the chances of recovery.
- If you are on the beach, don’t move the sand around continuing to search for the lost ring. You can make the ring go deeper in the sand.
- Call the Ring Finders South Jersey to search for your lost items! 215-850-0188
The sooner you call the better the chances of finding your lost ring!
I am just a call away!
Call Ring Finders South Jersey to find a lost ring!